Lorraine Frey is a Board Certified Orofacial Myologist, providing orofacial myofunctional therapy services to children of all ages and adults. Her extensive background in the dental field as a registered and licensed dental hygienist has encompassed over 30 years of clinical practice in periodontal, general and pediatric private practice settings. Lorraine’s professional experience, her dedication to promoting preventative and early interventional based methodologies, and her passion for helping others achieve optimal growth and health, combine to provide her clients with the utmost in supportive and compassionate care.
Orofacial Myology, also referred to as Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT), is a therapy that addresses dysfunctional muscle patterns and postures of the oral and facial muscles.
Serious dental problems may result from incorrect, oral postures, and/or the improper function of muscles. It can lead to undesirable craniofacial growth and development, difficulties in biting, chewing, swallowing and digesting food, as well as a myriad of other problems.
The goal of OMT Is to eliminate dysfunctional habit patterns, establish nasal breathing, correct the resting posture of the tongue, and correct dysfunctional swallowing patterns. Correcting muscle function while a person is still growing and developing encourages proper bone and dental development, making early identification optimal.
In essence, Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy teaches how to correctly breathe, chew, swallow and rest.
Dentist and Orthodontists work with the teeth and bones; Orofacial Myologists work with the muscles. Therapy is painless and usually consists of a regular program of exercises over a 4-12 month period, although treatment times can vary.
If you’d like more information about this event or our group, please contact us at SouthBendIN@holisticmoms.org