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CT - New Haven County (SW) Chapter

Event: Holistic Living on a Budget

December 3 @ 6:30 pm - 8:15 pm

On December 3, join the New Haven County chapter of Holistic Moms Network at 6:30 p.m. for the Holistic Living on a Budget meeting in Milford. As a group, you will explore how to align your budget with your priorities, understand more about your budgeting attitudes, and share ideas about budgeting for your holistic needs in Connecticut. Bring information that has helped you, local and online resources, and more ideas that have enabled you to thrive with your holistic lifestyle within your budget, especially around the holidays.

The mission of Holistic Moms Network, a nonprofit support and discussion network, is to connect people who are interested in holistic health and green living. It welcomes you wherever you are on your own holistic path in an environment that does not judge. The New Haven County chapter follows the Holistic Moms Network’s drive to encourage parents to use their innate sense of what is best for their children and the Earth while learning more about healthcare and parenting options. Living healthy and living green is an ongoing journey.

The general chapter meetings, open to the public, are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month in Milford, CT. RSVP on Facebook.com/HMNNewHaven’s event tab or email tdavisca@aol.com.

For more information, event updates and locations for the New Haven County chapter, visit Facebook.com/HMNNewHaven. RSVP here for the event or message the chapter on Facebook Messenger so we can have a head count estimate.
