Come and meet Jessica Salas, a pharmacist for 23 years, who is now a full time energy healer!
Yes, doctors, nurses, researchers, and pharmacists, too, are opening up to the message, power, and beauty of energy healing, and you will LOVE to hear Jessica’s journey! During her career as a pharmacist, she realized that there is so much more to healing than just chemistry, as she watched countless patients come to her on so many medications, most of which only helped with symptoms, not the root cause of their ailments.
She knew there had to be another answer…
She found it in energy healing, and became Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code certified.
The Emotion Code identifies and removes negative trapped emotions and Heart-Wall emotions (emotional baggage) from your body and around your heart. This emotional baggage can cause anger, sadness, and anxiousness, disconnect you from yourself and others, and can physically affect you by causing chronic discomfort.
The Body Code is a powerful method of identifying and resolving imbalances in your physical and energetic body. The Body Code contains a series of charts and over 900 pages of energetic, physical, pathogenic, toxin, nutritional, and lifestyle imbalances. The resolution of these imbalances allows your body to heal naturally, both emotionally and physically.
The Belief Code is a revolutionary new method/healing system which removes the negative filters and programs through which you perceive your world, so you can shed for good those beliefs and subconscious constraints that have been holding you back in life, such as fear, self-sabotage, and pain.
And finally, Jessica incorporates The Full Court of Atonement in her sessions for soul healing!
Come and learn about the power of energy healing! Jessica will delve into her journey from pharmacist to Energy Healer, and her mission: to help people break free from the cycle of symptom management and embrace true healing from within.
And bring your questions about energy healing!!
Location: Dads Kitchen Fair Oaks – 8928 Sunset Ave, Fair Oaks, CA 95628