While every season is a great time to pay it forward and help the less fortunate, bringing a little extra awareness into our holiday routines invokes balance and helps our children to learn how giving is just as important as receiving.
This event will be a beautiful opportunity for the kids to experience the spirit of giving to our local community in need. Bridge to Home has been helping provide shelter and services to our neighbors experiencing homelessness for 25 years. Today, we will collectively assemble 40 bagged lunches to deliver to neighbors in need.
Food will be provided by our HMN chapter. However, if you would like to contribute more here’s how you can:
• Bring additional food items for donation: dry cereal, oatmeal, bagels, sliced bread, nut butter, jam, coffee grounds
• Book a future lunch/dinner donation, or contribute your monetary donation, at Btohome.org
Location: 30440 Byfield Rd, Castaic, CA 91384-3406, United States